Hand Forged Gold Ring Collection

Hand Forged Gold Ring Collection


Slow-made Gold Rings... 

From our friends in Vancouver, Canada these lovely golden rings depicting natures reflection are crafted in a workshop with nature in mind every step of the way.

Available styles: All in 24K Gold Plate (recycled bronze, dipped in 3 microns of recycled 24k gold)

  • Moon Ring: Size 7 & 8 
  • Double Forged by The Ocean: Size 7 & 8
  • Forged by the Ocean: Size 8
  • Low Tide: Size 6 & 7

These are small treasures that can hold sentimental value to love, adore, and serve a purpose in many years to come. Timeless. 

Made sustainably in small batches with recycled precious metals: non-tarnishing silver, 24k gold vermeil, and 14k gold. Jewelry polished with plant-based compounds until it has the smoothest edges as if it’s been found in the sea.

Care: Plated and vermeil jewelry should be handled with a little extra care, such as taking off while sleeping, showering, applying perfume, etc.

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